Talking about living a healthier lifestyle, Kevin and I have been trying to do that since the middle of this year. We are beginning to eat healthier and exercise more. Way more. It might be baby steps, but we are getting there. Sometimes I feel that yes, diets and exercise is good but if you do not know the proper way of doing it, it might not be as effective as you would want it to be. I was surfing the net, looking at some weight loss programs there other day and came upon FitClick. It's an awesome weight loss and healthy living site, for people like me. We want to live a healthier lifestyle but we do not know where to start. At FitClick, you can look through various free diet plans as well as weight loss programs. Since there are so many weight loss programs out there, FitClick gives depth reviews as well as helps explain the pros and cons of various programs. You can also check out the calorie counter as well as workout routines on there. Go check out FitClick and see for yourself. It is indeed a one stop shop for everything you ever want to know about getting fit.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Free Diet Plans & Weight Loss Programs from FitClick!
Talking about living a healthier lifestyle, Kevin and I have been trying to do that since the middle of this year. We are beginning to eat healthier and exercise more. Way more. It might be baby steps, but we are getting there. Sometimes I feel that yes, diets and exercise is good but if you do not know the proper way of doing it, it might not be as effective as you would want it to be. I was surfing the net, looking at some weight loss programs there other day and came upon FitClick. It's an awesome weight loss and healthy living site, for people like me. We want to live a healthier lifestyle but we do not know where to start. At FitClick, you can look through various free diet plans as well as weight loss programs. Since there are so many weight loss programs out there, FitClick gives depth reviews as well as helps explain the pros and cons of various programs. You can also check out the calorie counter as well as workout routines on there. Go check out FitClick and see for yourself. It is indeed a one stop shop for everything you ever want to know about getting fit.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Je'bon Sushi & Noodle House - East Village, NYC

Je'bon Sushi & Noodle House - East Village, NYC
15 St Marks Pl,
New York, NY 10003
Tel: (212) 388 1313
Friday, December 10, 2010
Store Brand vs. Name Brand Formulas
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
Store brand formula or name brand baby formula? That question has been asked repeatedly by new parents (and even some not so new parents!) nationwide. You have to admit it. I am sure all of you with kids have asked this question at least once before. Really, are they all that different? It has to be right? Name brand formulas are way more expensive compared to store brand formulas. They must be better. If not, why would they cost so much more?
Well, I got some news for you. Did you know that according to the Infant Formula Act of 1980, all baby formulas sold in this country must meet minimum nutrient requirements and FDA regulations? Author Sandra Gordon as well as the editors of Consumer Reports also agrees with that fact and adds that all formula marketed in the U.S. must meet the same nutrient specifications, which are set (by the FDA in 1980) at levels to fulfill the needs of infants. Wow! You know what this means? That's right, all baby formulas are pretty much the same!
If that is so, then why are name brand baby formulas so much more expensive compared to store brand formulas? The answer is simple. One word, advertising! Store brand formulas typically cost less because they are not heavily marketed or advertised. Also, they are not given away to hospitals for free. Because of that, the cost saved is passed along to the consumer. It is estimated that as much as $600 can be saved by new parents each year. I think it makes sense. I totally agree with the new 10th Edition of the Consumer Reports Best Baby Products when they say that “they see no need for parents to choose expensive national brand infant formulas over their much more reasonable store brand counterparts sold at retailers like Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, CVS, Kroger, Walgreens, and Babies R Us”. If the formulas are the same, why should you pay more just because the name brand formulas spend more money on advertising, right?
Talking about name brand formulas, have you heard about the recall of certain Similac powder infant formulas because of the possibility of the presence of a small common beetle in the product recently? I really couldn't believe it. Granted, the FDA determined the formula poses no immediate health risk but some babies experienced symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort as well as refusal to eat as a result of irritated GI tracts! Parents are paying premium price for brand name formulas, hoping that they will be getting better formulas for their children. However, they are getting tainted formulas instead. That's just horrible! So, with all that said, if you were to ask me to choose between store brand formula or name brand formula, you can count of me getting store brand formulas over name brand ones any day. What about you?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pizza Hut's Cheesy Bites Pizza!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Medical Uniforms by Blue Sky Scrubs
While waiting for our turn at the dentist's office, I noticed that many of the nurses as well as the dental hygienists were wearing really nice looking scrubs. Gone are the days of ill fitting green or blue colored scrubs. The scrubs that they wore were a perfect fit and came in many colors and designs. I must say that it looks really professional yet fashionable. When we got home, I did a quick look up online to see where one can purchase such nice scrubs (I don't think you can just walk in to your local departmental store and get such nice ones).
After browsing through the Internet for a bit, I found Blue Sky Scrubs. You can get some of the finest and most fashionable looking looking medical uniforms from there. They offer a whole of range medical uniforms, from scrubs (for men, women as well as kids!), scrubs hats, jackets to even lab coats for doctors. Not only are they available in a variety of designs and colors, but they all also made using the highest quality fabric. Therefore, you can be sure that not only will you look great but you will feel really comfortable too! So, the next time you are looking for some healthcare uniform, just head over to Blue Sky Scrubs. I am sure you that you will find all that you are looking for and more!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Mo's Bacon Bar by Vosges Haut-Chocolat

Pier 1 Imports - Your One Stop Holiday Shop!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 Imports. All opinions are 100% mine.
We were in the city a couple of days ago for dinner and I noticed that all of the holidays lights were up. Boy, NYC is so beautiful during Christmas. Just walking down the streets while looking at all those decorations definitely puts you in the Christmas spirit. After getting back from the city, we were really motivated to start putting up our Christmas decorations too. We really want to do a good job cos this Christmas will be a little bit more special. My parents and kid sister will be visiting us from Malaysia and it has been years since I last spent the Christmas holidays with them.
We needed some new Christmas decorations, so I headed out to Pier 1 Imports to look for some. I just love Pier 1 Imports. It's basically a one stop shop for all of our holiday shopping. Apart from having a wide range of Christmas decorations to choose from, it is also my 'go to' place for all my holiday entertaining supplies. If you will be hosting a dinner party this holiday season, you should definitely check out Pier 1 Imports. Since we will be hosting Christmas dinner this year, I went online to their website to see if there are anything good. Big mistake on my part. I simply loved everything! Everything looked so nice. Check out the lovely snowflake place mats and beautiful table runner. Isn't it nice? I also love the wine glasses, wine charms as well as the napkin rings! I think that they are just perfect for our Christmas dinner. Nothing too loud or tacky, just enough to give that little hint of Christmas to the dinner party. I kinda like the Mrs Claus Apron think that it's really cute!
Apart from decorations and holiday entertainment supplies, Pier 1 Imports is also my stop for holiday gifts. There are a wide variety of gifts for him and her, both young and old. You can be sure to find something for even the most difficult person to shop for. You could also get all kinds gift wrapping supplies from Pier 1 Imports. Yup, I told ya. It's a one stop shop for everything! You can even visit their website for more gift ideas as well as check out their special value tab for clearance items, specials savings as well as their Daily Dealy. For example, today's Daily Dealy is for $5 off flat brocade wallets. What a deal! They would make perfect Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers.
Another thing that I like about Pier 1 Imports is that they are all about giving back. Christmas is a time for celebration but it is also a time to remember those who are less fortunate then ourselves. For the month of November and December, you can support Toys for Tots by dropping off an unwrapped toy and/or making a cash donation at the register. Also, do your part by liking Pier 1 Imports on Facebook. You can get updates on all their specials but more importantly, Pier 1 Imports will donate $1 to Toys for Tots for every new fan that they get! So, what are you waiting for? Head out to Pier 1 Imports for all your holiday shopping today!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Lu Lu's Noodles - Pittsburgh, PA (Revisit)

Lu Lu's Noodles - Pittsburgh, PA
400 South Craig Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel: (412) 687 7777
Share your Wicked Fresh! moments with us!!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tom's of Maine. All opinions are 100% mine.
Not many of you know this, but I'm terribly picky when it comes to buying oral care products. It doesn't matter if we are talking about toothpaste, mouthwash or even dental floss. I just find it really hard to find a brand that I really like using. Once I find something that I like, I would just stick to it. This might sound a little silly, but for the longest time, I have been getting my toothpaste supply from Malaysia. There is this particular brand that I like and I refuse to use anything else. Yes, I know. I told ya I am picky! Up til a couple of months ago, I couldn't find anything that I liked using, no matter how many different brands I tried.
I received a small sample tube of Wicked Fresh! Toothpaste by Tom's Of Maine one day and I must admit, my search for a brand of toothpaste that I like here in the US was over. There was just something about the taste of it that I totally love! Not only does it taste good, but it also gives you cavity protection as well as uses powerful natural flavor oils and a patent-pending botanical extract to provide long-lasting fresh breath. Very cool! For those of you who don't know, Tom's of Maine is a leading natural products company focused on oral and personal care. For 40 years, Tom’s has been committed to supporting people, communities and the planet. I'm surprised that I haven't heard of Tom's of Maine til recently. I only wished I have heard of it earlier. Their oral care products are really good. Since I liked their toothpaste so much, I also went out to get their Wicked Fresh! Mouthwash to try. You know how certain brands of mouthwash just burns? Well, this doesn't! It has a really pleasant minty flavor that leaves your mouth feeling really clean. I just love it!
Talking about Tom's of Maine, I just wanna give you a heads up about a contest that they are currently running. You can stand a chance to win a $500 Target Gift Card as well as other Wicked Fresh! Prizes. All you need to do is share your favorite Wicked Fresh! Moment, experience or discovery by tweeting at or you can write your own tweet. Just remember that all text tweets must include and #WickedFresh. What's my Wicked Fresh! Moment, you ask? Well, we were visiting some friends up in Michigan for New Years Eve a few years ago and it was snowing hard. In the spur of the moment, we all decided to head outdoors in the sub zero temperature to soak in the hot tub with a couple of beers, while ushering in the New Year together. Now, THAT'S a Wicked Fresh! Moment!!! So, what's your Wicked Fresh! Moment? Just head over to Tom's of Maine's That's Wicked Fresh contest page and tweet about it. Remember to follow @TomsofMaine on Twitter to complete your entry. You could also get a bonus entry if you 'Like' Tom's of Maine on Facebook!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Steam Team - #1 Choice for Carpet Cleaning in Austin,TX!
To all our readers who are living in the larger Austin area, I've got something to share with you. If you are ever caught in the same situation as me and need some help with carpet cleaning in Austin, just call The Steam Team! With over two decades of experience in cleaning, servicing and maintaining commercial as well as residential flooring and upholstery, they are the carpet cleaners that you know you can trust! Not only do they pay attention to minor details but you can also count on them to do a good a reliable job. If you were to go to their website, you would be able to find a whole lot of specials as well as discount coupons too.
When visiting their website, you could also look up professional carpet cleaning tips as well household remedies in lifting stubborn carpet stains. I found that to be really helpful. So, the next time you are looking for Austin carpet cleaning services, look no further. Just give The Steam Team a call (you can even order online!) and they would be more than happy to give you a quote or schedule an appointment for you.