Kevin and I were in Whitehall, PA two weekends ago to get our car inspected. Why all the way to PA? Well, our car is still registered under the PA license, so yeah, we have to bring the car back to PA every year to get it inspected. We knew that since it was a Saturday, the lines would be really long, so we wanted to get there early. We left our apartment at around 6:30am and got there slightly after 8am. The guy said it would take a few hours to get it inspected and we can only get our car back at around noon. So, we decided to go get something to eat and then maybe go hangout at the Lehigh Valley Mall after that (which was just next to Pep Boys).

We didn't really know what was open at this hour, so we just walked down Macarthur Road and hope to find something (worst case scenario, there is always Dunkin Donut and McDonalds :P). We then saw a sign for The New City View Diner and it said "Open 24 Hours". Perfect!

The exterior looked like any regular diner but little did we know (at that time) that we stumbled upon a gem. We were also quite surprised to find the parking lot almost full! Mind you, it was only about 8:15am, on a Saturday morning. Boy, those people in Whitehall are sure early risers :P

We were immediately greeted and seated the moment we walked in the door. When we first walked in, the diner was already about 75% full. People continued to come in and by the time we left, it was so packed that people had to wait for a table! Not too shabby for a Saturday morning. Check out the Christmas decorations, isn't it nice?

We had some OJ and tea to kick off our hearty small town breakfast. Talking about small towns, we also realized that the people of Whitehall are really friendly. As in really really friendly. Not only am I referring to the waitresses, but also the diners. Everybody seems to know everybody and if they don't, they would still stop and say 'Hi'! It sure was a nice change from the NY Metro area, where everybody minds their own business and goes about doing their own thing. After living out there for almost 2 years now, I guess we pretty much got used to that. So, it was a pleasant change and pretty nice feeling generally to see so many smiling and friendly faces.

Both Kevin and I ordered the City Feast ($6.15). Kevin has his eggs sunny side up, with bacon, home fries and two big slices of french toast. He also ordered a side of white toast ($0.95) to dip into his eggs. Having lived in Northern Jersey for almost two years now, I must say that we are blessed with having great diners all around us. Therefore, we expect a lot from diners (taste wise). I must say that The New City View Diner delivered! Boy, the food IS goooood!

I had my eggs scrambled, with two slices of pork rolls, home fries and two slices of french toast. The eggs doesn't look that great but I must say, it tasted soo yummy! It had this buttery/milky taste to it, sooo goood. The french toast was also amazing! Only one regret though, I shouldn't have ordered the pork roll. Since I am so used to the Jersey Pork Roll (nothing beats the pork roll from Jersey), this pork roll was just alright. In fact, I didn't even finish it. Oh well, I guess it's partly my fault, I should have known better not to order that :(
Overall, it was a great breakfast! Good food, great people. I later found out while researching about The New City View Diner online that it is THE place to go to in Whitehall for breakfast on a Saturday morning. No wonder there were so many people. It seems that it would be so packed, you won't even get a table if you arrive late (after 10am). Wow, looks like we hit the jackpot without knowing it. We got to try the food from one of Whitehall's best and what did we think of it? It's greeeaattt! So, what's the damage? The total bill was $14.05. Not too bad at all, for such a big and hearty breakfast coupled with some really friendly staff (and locals alike) from Whitehall's most famous diner :D
The New City View Diner1831 MacArthur Rd
Whitehall, PA 18052
Tel: (610) 434-4366
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