So, as we approached for landing, the pilot warned us that there would be some turbulence because of the big storm. Turbulence? How bad can it be. I'm not exactly new to flying, I've experienced some pretty bad turbulence before. Shouldn't be any problem. Boy, how wrong I was.
The moment the plane hit the storm clouds, it was just flung into all directions, like a rag doll. Usually, when I think of turbulence, it's usually just the up and down feeling (something like a rollercoaster) when it hits the air pockets. This was so different. Not only was it going up and down, the plane was being swung left and right too! I could hear things falling down in the kitchen and everybody on the plane looked terrified. Also, from the cam located at the bottom of the plane, I could see that we were fast approaching ground but the landing strip wasn't in sight yet. We were actually skimming on the water! At that point, I really thought that we would have a water landing and that we were going to crash. It was THAT scary! It did however make it to the landing strip but the moment it hit the tarmac, the plane was swerving to the left and right, at really high speed! I guess the wind was too strong and it was hard for the pilot to control the plane? It was so scary, I could hear things falling down everywhere. Thank God nothing happened and we managed to get off the plane in one piece. Everybody just cheered and clapped when the plane finally stopped...lol! I truly believe that it was the hand of God protecting me that day. If not, I shudder to even think of what might have happened. Boy, what an experience.
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