Ahhh this is pretty cool. This is the Stingray cage. It was quite an experience for Kevin to actually get a chance to touch and pet a Stingray. I think he looks pretty nervous here. I would be too, those guys are hugggeee! Apart from learning about fishes at the farm, there is also a restaurant where you can have lunch or dinner. We didn't have lunch there but from what I hear, the prices can be a little steep. You can basically get seafood just as fresh from the seafood restaurants in town for half it's price. There is also a small sundry store where you can buy snacks, ice cream and drinks as well as a restroom (not so sure about the cleanliness though). Next stop on the tour - Eagle feeding! Woohoo!
* This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Mosquito Magnet. All opinions are 100% mine.
Boy, I'm so glad spring is here at last. The days are getting longer and it's beginning to feel warmer already. Before you know it, summer will be here! Oh I love the summer time, oh yes I do. Both Kevin and I enjoy being outdoors, be it a backyard BBQ, working on the garden or just hanging out on the deck. As much as we simply love being outdoors, there is one thing that really irritates me tot he max. Mosquitoes!! I just hate it when they would make that buzzing sound around your ear and of course, the bites. We would get mosquitoes bites everywhere! From our legs to our arms...no part of the body is spared! Argggh!
Not only are mosquitoes irritating, they can be harmful too. Yes, those tiny bites can itch a little but it's nothing compared to the diseases it might carry. Did you know that mosquitoes can infect you with the West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, Dengue Fever, Malaria and Yellow Fever? Yeah, that's right. Mosquito bites can be deadly!
I was surfing the Internet the other day and came to know about an amazing product. Mosquito Magnet! Mosquito Magnet traps are the only long-term, scientifically proven mosquito control solution in the marketplace. That caught my eye at once. I continued to read for more information and found a mosquito magnet review. Looks like many people from all over have tried it and now they are sharing their stories with the rest of us. There are just tons of people from all over America telling how Mosquito Magnet has helped them save their summers. Mosquito Magnet actually works and they had bags full of dead mosquitoes to prove it! They can now go about their daily lives, be it gardening, BBQing or any other outdoor activities without having to worry about mosquitoes. I don't know about you but I am sold! It's time I get my hands on a Mosquito Magnet so that we will have a fun and safe time outdoors, with pesky mosquitoes!
Ahhhh he looks relieved to be getting out of the cave and out in the sun! I would say that as much as it was gross, it was a pretty good experience. Now it's time for us to hop back into the boat and head out to the Fish Farm. Stay tune...all that and more in the next post.
* This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NAVTEQ. All opinions are 100% mine.
How many of you have a portable GPS device or GPS system built into your car? I'm pretty sure most of you have at least one, if not more. If not, I'm telling you, you are missing out! My life was never the same again since we bought our first GPS device about 3 years ago. Having just moved to Jersey, both Kevin and I really relied on the GPS to move around. It's totally amazing! It really helped us get from one point to another, without getting lost. Today, we rely so much on the GPS, we don't know how we will survive without it!
Having a GPS system is great but guess what? Having a GPS system without an updated map isn't all that useful. Roads are constantly changing, with new ones being built and certain old ones being blocked off. How frustrating can that be when you follow the directions of a non updated map only to find yourself at a dead end? Kevin and I use the GPS lots too when we go on road trips or when travelling long distance. It always helps to know when the next gas station or food stop is coming up. Without an updated map, you really cannot get accurate information in regards to this.
For those of you who have not updated your map recently, I have some news for you. Have you heard of NAVTEQ? Well, it is the company whose technology and maps drive most of the in-car navigation systems and the leading brands of GPS-enabled devices in the US and yes, you are able update your map from their website. Also, May is NAVTEQ’s Map Update Month, so it's the perfect time for you to head over there and update your maps!
Still not convinced that you need to update your GPS maps? Well, check this out. According to the NAVTEQ Navigation Benefits Study, updating your maps could help you save up to $200 a year just by using a navigation device! Not only that, a traffic enabled GPS device can save you four days of driving time. Wow, I'm sure that will help you save on fuel too. The study also shows that it plays a part in helping the environment too. Did you know that you can reduce your CO2 emissions by 20% just by driving with a GPS device? That's right, going green is the thing to do these days! So, what are you waiting for? Head over to www.mapupdatemonth.com for more information today!
* This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
Everybody seems to have a web cam these days. With a web cam, it takes chatting, whether on IM or on other platforms, to a whole new level. Now, not only do you see words but you can actually see and hear the person you are chatting with. Sure, a lot of people go on web cam to chat with their friends and family these days, but what about chatting on web cam with complete strangers? Well, have you heard of Chatroulette? If you haven't, Chatroulette is the latest web phenomenon to hit the headlines! It is a website that randomly pairs strangers for web cam conversations. Visitors to the website can randomly begin an online chat, be it video, audio and text with another visitor. That's right, the pairings are completely random and it gets everyone chatting without knowing who is next up or what they are going to see.
On April Fools' Day 2010, Dr Pepper played an awesome prank on the unsuspecting population of Chatroulette! If you haven't seen the video, you totally have to check it out. It's really funny and it gets me laughing each time I look at the faces of the guys being pranked! So here's the deal. The people at Dr Pepper decide to let a sexy cheerleader loose on Chatroulette. When she pops up in the screen, you can see her dance, shake and shimmy all over. Just check out the reaction on those guys faces! They must be thinking that it's their lucky day! Well, the whole video ends in a very funny twist, I won't tell ya what it is. You just have to watch it yourself. Man, the expression on the faces of the guys are worth a million bucks. Good job Dr Pepper! Now, sit back and enjoy the video!
I think Applebee's hit a home run with this new 2 for $20 deal promo. Our total bill came up to $26.56 (2 for $20 deal and two refillable sodas). For that price, it's really a very good deal. A nice two course sit down dinner at a restaurant for a lil over $25! The portions were just right, not too small and not huge either. Good job Applebee's. Two thumbs up!
*This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you heard the breaking news? French socialite and legend of The Cannes Film Festival, Jacques d’Azur, has been reported missing after last being heard in an emergency transmission off the coast of Tahiti. Therefore, the search for Jacques' heir has begun. As the search continues for Jacques’ heir, his glamorous and high flying lifestyle has been revealed and guess what? It is ready to be inherited! Are you ready to see what awaits the future heir of the legendary Jacques d' Azur?
1st Class Flights - One thing that we know for sure is that Jacques d'Azur always travels in style. Not only does he know what he wants in life, but he oozes class and sophistication. Not only does his lucky future heir gets to go to France, he gets to do it in style. He will travel to the Cannes Film Festival in the South of France on a 1st class flight. Nothing but the best for the heir of Jacques.
A Tailored Suit - Jacques was that ladies wanted to be with and that guys can only wish to be. Mind you, I am not just talking about regular people. Movie starts flock to be around him too. One things for sure, Jacques was always dressed to the nines. The heir of Jacques would of course be expected to do the same. So, not only will this lucky heir will be taking over Jacques’ place at Cannes and he will be looking forward to having his tuxedo tailored, d’Azur style.
So who will take the place of Jacques at Cannes this year? The search goes on for the heir to his exquisite weekend at the Cannes Film Festival. Are you the one?
By the time we were ready for dessert, we were already too full to take too many things. Apart from the stuff in the photo, they also had quite a big selection of cakes, donuts, sago, different types of pudding and ice cream (both soft serve and regular). Overall, we had a awesome lunch and I think that the food served here is tasty and fresh. The price is also reasonable and if you were to head over to their website, you can print out some coupons too. Definitely worth a return visit!
* This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you like games? Well, I know I do. I think like would be an understatement. I love games, any sort of games! From outdoor games to board games to party games, I play them all. However, there are certain games that I love more than others. Sure, board games like Scrabble and Monopoly is fun but I love games that involves a whole lot of people and that is fast, quick and exciting. Charades is one of my all time favorite games! It's quick, exciting and fun for all ages. Boy, I used to play charades all the time back in the day.
Do you like playing charades? Are you good at it? Are you always the first person to guess the charades mime? If you answer yes to any of the above, guess what? I got news for you! Just head over to the Fiat website where you can discover the universal language of gestures and learn how to talk 500. There, you can check out the practice mime and once you get the hang of it, you might be on your way to winning free music for a year with a premium We7 subscription ! That's right, all you need to do is sign up now to join in and receive a new charade each day. So, what are you waiting for? Go on, learn to talk 500 and your charades skills are bound to improve. After all, it’s all about the hands - because in Italy, words only tell half the story.
Here we go. The piece de resistance! Sweet and Sour Chili Crab. Mmm mmm mmmmm. We have been waiting to eat this for the longest time and boy, I'm glad we were not disappointed. We finally got our dose of crabs! The crabs were indeed very fresh and the sweet and sour sauce was good too. Definitely worth the wait. Generally the food in Palm View is pretty good and the seafood is fresh. You just have to be careful when ordering. If not, you will end up with a really big bill at the end of the night.The waitresses would just try and push the most expensive dishes. So, do not get swayed by the waitresses, order what you want to eat and not what they try to 'recommend'. With that in mind, I'm pretty sure you will have a good meal in Palm Ville Seafood.
Another 'must have' when you are at The Loaf are their Mini Uhu! Uh!s. Mini what??? What's that? :P Well, let's just say they are little cups of heaven! They are tiny cup cake size cheese cakes, available in many different flavors. I believe there are 20 flavors in total, some with wacky names like Coco Loco and Glitzy Strawberries. There are also some 'Malaysianized' flavors like Splendid Kaya, Refreshing Longan, Enticing Rouge (air bandung) and of course, Durian Obsession. These tiny cheese cakes don't come cheap though. A single cup cost RM3.20, 1/2 a dozen is RM16.50 and a dozen will set you back RM31.90! I guess it's worth it if you are a big cheese cake fan :D I'm glad we stopped by The Loaf to pick up some snacks. The pastries were yummy and even though it's a little bit on the expensive side, I think it's well worth it. Maybe we should have brunch there the next time we are in Langkawi!
* This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Popstation. All opinions are 100% mine.
Let's face is, deep down inside, everybody has a dream to be a super star. How many times have you sung your lungs out in the shower, imagining that you are on a big stage? You might not want to admit it, but I know you have. What about that time when you stood in front of your mirror singing, with your hairbrush doubling up as your microphone? Hey, it's alright. I have done it myself too! Everybody is allowed to dream, but guess what? Your dreams of becoming a star might just come true!
I came to know about the PopStation Contest not too long ago. It's totally awesome! PopStation Contest? What's that, you might ask. Well, it's an online singing contest that allows you to record your own songs and your songs will be entered into a contest where it will be judged by PopStation audiences! Isn't that cool? How does that work? It's really simply actually. Just register for free and head over to the practice rooms. There, you can download the Popstation Studio software, practice and download your song, record your song and finally, upload your recording to join the contest.
Sounds simple enough. So, what's the prize? Well, this contest gives you the chance to win "The Big Deal". That's right, you get a chance to win yourself a VIP album recording experience! Imagine this. You and a guest a guest will enjoy an all expenses paid three night stay in NYC at a ridiculously hip hotel. Not only that, you will also be picked up in a luxury car and whisked off to a professional recording studio where you will spend two days recording your very own 10-song album with the help of a professional production team! Yes, that's right. Dreams do come true. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to PopStation, record your song and stand a chance to win "The Big Deal"!
Alrighty, it's time to board the cable car gondola again for a quick ride upwards to the Top Station! The distance between the Middle and Top Station is a mere 450 meters away. Woohoo! Off to the Curve Hanging Bridge we go!
After a short cable car ride, we are at the Top Station. A short walk up a few flights of stairs took us to two viewing platforms, at the top of Mt Matchingcang. At 708m above sea level, it provides an awesome 360 degree panoramic view of the islands surrounding Langkawi Island and Kedah. On really clear days, you can even see Thailand from there! The view was truly breathtaking. There is also a cafe where you can purchase light refreshments as well as a traditional massage parlour up at the viewing platforms. Next stop, the Curve Hanging Bridge!
To get to the Curve Hanging Bridge, one has to trek downhill for a short distance. There is no shade and with the direct mid day sun above you, it can be quite tedious. If you think the trek down is bad, wait til you try to climb back up. It's alright for younger people but the older folks and those that are not exactly fit can find it to be a little taxing. Cardio baby, cardio! With that said, I must admit that the experience on the Curve Hanging Bridge itself was worth all that trekking! It's totally awesome! However, if you are afraid of heights, this can be quite a terrifying experience. With a hanging bridge over such a deep chasm, looking over the railings of the bridge can give any person (not just those who are afraid of heights) white knuckles! :P Overall, we had a great time at the Oriental Village as well as a fun ride up the Cable Car. From the Oriental Village, we went to get a snack at the most famous bakery in Langkawi. Know where that is? Stay tuned to find out!