Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blue Sky Scrubs - Your One Stop Scrub Shop

I'm not sure why, but there are quite a number of medical offices in our neighborhood. I guess it's because the location. We are really close to some major highways and throughways. Just on our street alone, there are a few huge medical buildings that houses various specialists and GPs, a few dental offices as well as a nursing home. There are also a few huge hospitals just a few minutes away from us. You can imagine the amount of medical personnel that lives in our apartment building. At almost any given time of day, you can see people walking around in scrubs as well as other medical uniforms. I really enjoy looking at all the different patterns, styles and colors of those scrubs. Boy, scrubs are surely fashionable these days. They have come a long way, from those ugly shapeless green and blue ones that medical personnel used to wear. Not only do they look good, but they looked really comfortable too. Fashionable and comfortable enough for non medical personnel to wear, on a daily basis.

Have you ever wondered where you can get modern and fashionable looking scrubs? Well, I do and now, I know just the place to do so. Blue Sky Scrubs! Yup, you can find all kinds of scrubs for women, men and even kids! Not only can you get medical scrubs and uniform there, but they offer a whole range of lab coats, jackets, scrub hats as well as accessories. I totally love the lanyards that they have there. They are so pretty and definitely one of a kind. I have never seen such a huge collection of nice looking lanyards! So, if you are looking for some fashionable and yet comfortable scrubs, just head over to and check out Blue Sky Scrubs today!

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