Went I left for the States to study, she grew up at lighting speed. When I left, she was watching Cartoon Network on tv everyday and before you knew it, she was hooked on MTV! Things that she wanted for her birthday changed too. I remember when it used to be Barbie dolls, then one year it was Cheetah Girls and again, before I knew it, she wanted a "Mrs Nick Jonas" t shirt! Whoaa...when did that happen?!?
In a wink of an eye, she grew from being geeky kid to being one of the bridesmaids in my wedding party! Doesn't she look all grown up there?
I'm pretty sure that before I know it again, she will be going to prom, taking her drivers license and going off to college! There are no words to explain how much I love her and both Kevin and I are really proud of her. Thanks Ashley for making me a big cheh cheh, that's the best gift anyone could have given me.
Well, we would like to say
Awww... so sweet!! *sniff sniff*
sori ya cos the earlier comment got a lot of typing errors..
Yea, I agree with you, Charlene.. time really passes so fast.. Ashley also turn into a beautiful and smart lady liao.. I still remember that when my dad told me that Ashley was born, I was so happy because finally I can become cheche oledi as she took over my position as the baby of the family (among all the cousins)...
Lovely memories! Despite the stress of change u went thru (not easy being the only princess for 14years n to realize tht u r not the only one anymore), u were really wonderful as a daughter & big sis. U were at the hospital from early am to night 4 the 3 days helping me in my C-section recovery and moving Ash in & out of the nursery. Really thankful to God for both of you!!
Love, mum
hi charlene! ash's friend here joanna. wow ashley looks so much cuter when she was young.. hahahha x) sweet post. take care!
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