At around 5:30pm, a horse drawn wagon pulled up front and was ready to take us down to the party by the lake! Of course the lake was close enough to walk to (maybe about a 15 minute walk) but the novelty of riding on a horse drawn wagon was pretty cool! We hopped on and were the first group to head down to the Pavilion.

Here is a photo taken from the wagon, heading out of town.

Check out the view of the beautiful lake.

I just think that this is a really cool photo. A photo of us on the wagon. Guess who is who? :P

Let the party begin!! Really nice live country music, lots of drinks, yummy food and you can even get a back massage at the far end of the Pavilion!

There were long picnic tables and benches inside the Pavilion.

Of course, we could also just hangout by the lake if we wanted to.

We also saw two really huge fire pits on both sides of the Pavilion. I guess this is where they would have campfires during the winter program at the ranch. I bet it would be fun to just sit around the campfire on a cold winters night :D

Out of all the food that we ate at the ranch, this was the most errr "interesting". The skewer on the far left is just regular chicken on a stick. It was yummy but the interesting one is the skewer on the right :P It said "game meat sausage" on the little sign at the buffet line. We later found out from the chef that the darker piece of sausage is wild boar. Wild boar, that's fine. I've tried wild boar curry before, so it's no big deal. The lighter colored sausage is rabbit and rattle snake. Oh rabbit, no big deal again. I've tried rabbit burger before and rattle....rattle what? Rattle snake?!!??! Are you kidding me? Rattle snake?!!?!? :P So, now I can proudly say that I have eaten rattlesnake meat before! What does it taste like? Well, surprisingly, it tasted great! Something like veal with a green peppery after taste.

After hanging out at the Pavilion for a bit, we look a nice long stroll back to town. We had about an hour or so before the beginning of the Big Sky Party Night (dinner and partying) at the Livery, so we just took our time and soaked in beautiful Montana scenery (this was after all our last evening at the ranch) as we headed back to town. I leave you with this lovely photo of the town with the Crazy Mountains in the background. :D
* Click here to be directed back to the Crazy Mountain Ranch Homepage. You can check out other ranch related posts as well as look at photos from the ranch during our Summer 2009 trip!
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