Saturday, December 20, 2008

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

With the really bad snowstorm last night, icy road conditions and crazy last minute Christmas shoppers, we were not exactly trilled to go out Christmas shopping earlier today. However, it's the last weekend to get all our Christmas shopping done so it's off to the malls we go!
We were all bundled up (it was around 22F this morning) and with Christmas songs blasting on the car radio, we headed to Circuit City. There was a bit of a traffic jam on the turnpike but we were surprised that there were not many people out shopping today. I don't know if it's the weather or the state our economy is in right now, but there wasn't any mad Christmas shopping rush. Something tells me it's the economy :(
After going to six different stores (Circuit City, Walmart, Kmart, Kohls, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond), I am proud to announce that we are done with all the shopping. Woohoo! No, we didn't go to all six stores today. We spread it out over a space of two weekends. Here is part of the loot!
With all the wrapping supplies laid out, we started to wrap and wrap and wrap. Whewww...I never knew wrapping can be so tiring. Tiring but fun! :DAt last, all the presents were wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree. Looks like we have stuffed too many presents under the poor tree until it flowed onto the train tracks. I guess the train will not be able to go around the tree for the next few days. Hehehe.
I am just glad that we are done with all the presents. Now we can just sit back and wait for the second round of snowstorms that will be coming out our way in a few hours time.

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