Something big is happening at SeaWorld Orlando real soon. Starting May 22, 2009, a new ride will be unveiled! Introducing...the Manta!! Find out what it's like to glide, skim, fly and spin like a giant ray when you ride the only flying roller coaster of its kind in the world. You will get to fly face-down, in a horizontal position, underneath the belly of a coaster train shaped as a giant manta. With a wing span of 12 feet and speed of up to 60mph, the giant manta will soar over sea and sky in what SeaWorld is billing as “the most graceful flying coaster ever created”.
You must be thinking, "Wow, it's such an awesome ride! I bet the line for this ride will be really long". Well, you got that right! It's an awesome ride but check this out. To celebrate the opening of this ride, SeaWorld is running a contest where you could win a "Front-of-the-line" pass to Manta at SeaWorld Orlando!! Just visit and click on the "Participate and Win" section. There are six activities for you to complete.
The other activities include taking a photo of yourself displaying "I Heart Manta" and submitting it to Flickr. Also get three friends to fill your row on the Manta ride. The fourth activity is to shoot a short video of yourself, tell us how excited you are to ride Manta and upload it to YouTube. Next, download a Manta mask from the website, put it on, take a photo of yourself and upload it to Flickr. The last activity is to follow @RealShamu on Twitter and tweet about why you are excited about Manta.

Firstly, you have to register to get a account. Then follow @RealShamu on Twitter (sign up if you do not have an account) for insider tips on the quiz. Correctly answer five Manta questions (be careful though, you only get three chances) and you will receive an email from RideTheFlyingRay!

If you complete two of the Manta site activities, you will earn ONE complimentary electronic photograph from your Manta ride experience at SeaWorld Orlando. If you complete all six of the activities on the site, you'll go straight to the front of the line when you earn Manta "Front-of-the-line" pass at SeaWorld Orlando. So what are you waiting for?? Go check it out and be at the front of the line come May 22nd!!!

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