The main reason why we went to Pittsburgh last weekend was to witness Nick's confirmation. The Goddards are members of the Bakerstown United Methodist Church up in Gibsonia, about half an hour away from Kevin's parents house in North Hills. We left the house around 10am and arrived at around 10:30, with ample time to spare before the service starts at 11am.

Both Kevin are I are very happy and proud of Nick for wanting to take this big step in his life as a Christian. Nick was baptised as a infant and by being confirmed, he is reaffirming that he loves Jesus and he want to be a Christian. In short, a confirmation (almost the same thing as an adult baptism) is an outward expression of an inward commitment.

A total of seven 8th graders went through confirmation classes and they even had to take a test ( I guess to make sure they fully understand that they are doing). They then took an outing to do some community work and also had the opportunity to meet with the Bishop at his office. There are only 6 kids in the picture because one of the kids couldn't be at the confirmation that day. He was involved in an accident a few days ago and he is recovering at home. I guess he will join the next batch when he gets better.

Ron and Kim, together with Greg (Nick's sponsor) went up on stage to be with Nick during the ceremony to give support and also to pray with him.

Here is a picture of Nick together with Greg and the pastor after the ceremony.

The kids then stood in line at the front of the sanctuary after the service and the church members had the chance to go up to congratulate them as well as welcome them into the church's membership. Here is Nick's godfather congratulating him :P

Kevin and his mom waiting for the Goddards to organize the photo sessions before going down to the events room for lunch.

A family photo taken at the altar. Too bad it's so grainy, the lighting in the church was pretty dark.

We then headed down to the events hall to have a celebratory lunch provided by the church for the kids as well as their families.

We are really happy that we are able to be there to witness such an important occasion in Nick's life. To Nick, we pray that you will continue to grow in your faith in God, put Him first in everything you do and may He continue to bless you both now and always.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for the believers
in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity
I Tim 4:12
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