A door tag from FedEx saying that they tried to deliver the package but I wasn't in!! I knew it! I knew there was a package/envelope coming from D.L Blair coming for me. I wonder why the lady said otherwise? Why didn't I hear the delivery guy? Well, there is something wrong with my doorbell (it rings too soft) and I have to make an effort to watch out for the delivery guy whenever I am expecting something. That's why I called D.L Blair..if I knew that I was expecting something, I would have kept watch and waited for the guy. Anyways, we had to go to the maximum security prison FedEx facility in Elizabeth to pick it up. It wasn't so bad today, maybe cause we arrived early, before the crowd.

Here is the letter that D.L. Blair sent me. It basically said that we passed all the background checks and we are officially going to the Ranch! We will be leaving on the 19th of August and returning on the 22nd. It also says in the letter that we will be receiving our activity sign up sheet on sometime around July 16th. This is when we get to pick which activities we would be interested in joining at the Ranch. Our plane tickets, check for $1,250.00, luggage, luggage tags and ranch caps would arrive sometime around August 10th. Woohoo!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to go to Montana! :D
* Click here to be directed back to the Crazy Mountain Ranch Homepage. You can check out other ranch related posts as well as look at photos from the ranch during our Summer 2009 trip!
How do you track stuff coming from d.l.bair....please e-mail me back at XkayleesMomX@comcast.net
I'd like to know how you were to track the letter from d.l blair as well.
How do you track the stuff coming from D L Blair? AndrewB42420@yahoo.com
Go to https://fedex.com/AltRefTracking and key in 349878682 as A/C # and 6759/pm as Ref #. Then, select United States and enter you zip code.
Thank you for ALL of your information!! We greatly appreciate it. We are currently going through the process and like you, we are extremely excited and the envy or all of our friends….
All of your information has been SO helpful. My fiance and I are going through the process too! In fact I think I may be getting my ranch dates TODAY!!! FedEx came by earlier and I was out and about and I got home to see that I need to go pick up a package today after 5:15pm. I am only expecting one other package and it is still in Colorado (I live in Cali) So I'm pretty sure it's our dates! If I hadn't had your blog to go to I would still be biting my nails off, lol. But you have given such detailed descriptions that waiting almost isn't hard....Almost. LOL
i received a pre trip package a few days ago basically stating that i have been considered in the contest. i decided to choose my mother over my boyfriend as a potential guest if i did win because she absolutely loves mountains, wilderness, horses, and ranches. besides she deserves to have at least one vacation in her life time considering how hard she works every day. we had to fill out documents such as medical history and current medical problems, publicity releases, we had to copy our driver licenses as well as have a few documents notarized. the introduction form stated we need to send the packages back by the 23rd and fortunately they did arrive by 9:00am that day. if we don't win it's going to be a big disappointment because we have this feeling that we will win and this would literally be a dream vacation for my mom. i don't even care if i go or not. it would be nice but more than anything this is something that i would like my mother to experience. just reading about all the activities and seeing the photos from previous winners has her so excited. honestly i am amazed at how generous the company of Marlboro is. hopefully we get good news rather than this just being a big tease. fingers crossed! good luck to everyone.
I too won a trip to ranch. However, I am wondering what prize money did you need to show while filing tax return.
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