For those of you who don't know what Netflix is, it's an online DVD rental service. We just need to pay a membership fee of $4.99 a month and we can get DVDs sent direct to our home. All we need to do is go online, choose the movie that we want to watch and place it in the queue. Netflix will then send the DVD to our mailbox the very next business day.

I love the smart design of the envelope. We need to tear it open carefully becos we would need the envelope to send it back to them after we watched the movie.

The movie comes in a little sleeve, along with a short summary, rating and duration of the movie.

Once you are done watching the movie, just pop it back into the prepaid envelope and send it back to Netflix.

It's really convenient for us, we don't even have to go out of the apartment to get our movies and to return them! :D Another thing I like about Netflix is that we can keep the DVD as long as possible, there are no late return charges. Once we return the DVD, they will ship out the next movie on our list to us. Also, we can watch movies on their website (while waiting for the DVDs to be shipped to us). For $4.99 a month, I think its a great deal. So far, we have already watched 3 movies and I've watch the entire season 8 of South Park online :P We are currently waiting for our Twilight DVD to arrive, it should be here today...Yay!!!
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