Sunday, February 15, 2009

Guess who made dinner?

This Valentine's Day was our 6th Valentine's Day together as a couple. Usually, we would just go out for a simple dinner in a regular restaurant (no point in paying triple and trying to get reservations in some 'romantic restaurant) or I would make something nice for Valentine's dinner. I had already made a nice brunch earlier in the day, so guess who made dinner?

Yup, Kevin made dinner! I was pretty impressed. A full dinner complete with candlelight :P I was in the room on the computer when he made dinner. I heard him banging around in the kitchen but I didn't expect it to be so nice :D

He made bbq ribs with steamed brussels sprouts, baked potato and corn on cob. He also made us a big Ceasers salad to share. Looks yummy rite? It was yummy! Maybe this should be a Valentine's Day tradition for us from now on that he makes dinner every year...

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