I recovered pretty well after the surgery yesterday. It took me about a little over 3 hours to completely stop the bleeding. I just had to continue changing the gauze every half an hour to 45 minutes. From what I read on the Internet, 3 hours is considered pretty good. The gross part is a wastepaper basket full of bloody gauze :P Wanna see? Let me warn you first, it's very gross and bloody. If you think you still want to see it, click
The oral surgeon prescribed me some antibiotics (Amoxicillin) as well as some pain killers (Hydrocodone). I really didn't feel any pain at all yesterday. In fact, by the time I went to sleep last night, my chin, lips and tongue were still numb! I was a little bit concerned because I read online that my nerve might be damaged . Kevin and I prayed real hard that it wasn't and when I woke up today, the numbness was gone! PTL!

I also had two big ice packs going on both sides of my face. The dentist instructed that I should have it 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the whole day. I guess my tiny cutey frog cold gel pack wasn't good enough. Kevin had to go get those big ice bags for me and went to McDs to buy a huge packet of ice :D

I was pretty much on a liquid diet yesterday, some milkshake, yogurt and I had some mash potatoes for dinner last night. I really didn't want to push it on the first day, so I just had light meals. I also realized that most of the soups that we bought the day before were chunky soups! How silly..I might have some trouble chewing all those chunky meat and pasta :P We shall see.

I braced myself for all the swelling and pain that was supposed to begin on the 2nd day. I woke up early today, expecting the worst and guess what? Totally no pain or swelling! The oral surgeon did say that I might have some difficulty in opening my mouth due to the soreness but I could open my mouth without any problems. The dental nurse gave me a call early today to check and see how I was doing. I told her I'm doing great, no pain yet! She was pretty pleased and told me that I should start rinsing my mouth with salt water every 3-4 hours. That will also help with the healing process. I made myself some really watery porridge with tiny chicken pieces and carrots today. Left it in the slow cooker for about 10 hours, so it was nice and mushy by dinner time :D

Kevin bought a selection of milkshakes (chocolate, strawberry and vanilla) and a hot fudge sundae from McDs for me after work today. So niceee....It's all in the refrigerator and I can take sips of milkshake whenever I want! So yummmy.

Well, it's almost time for me to take my antibiotic and pain killer meds. After that, I'll most probably drift to la la land...them painkillers ALWAYS make me drowsy! I am expecting the pain and sore feeling to come tomorrow. We shall see. As usual, I'll keep you guys updated!! Goodnight!
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