After getting that first letter, I went to read up about the American Community Survey. This is a new nationwide survey that they are trying out. The US Census Board would select a sample of 3 million households in America annually as opposed to the old system of a big and comprehensive survey every 10 years. Oh, out of 300 million people in America, we got picked? Why can't we be so lucky when it comes to the lottery! :P Anyway, true enough, this big packet arrived a few days later.

It's so big and thick. I guess they are pretty serious about this survey thing. They even printed that "Your Response Is Required By Law" in bold at the front of the envelope! Hmmphhh, and we used to laugh at my grandma whenever the 'banci' people came around back in the day. She would get all nervous and tell me that we have to answer those questions properly. She would say "when the banci people come and ask us questions, we better answer properly. if not, the cheng hoo will send us to lockup one you know". Hahaha, I don't know who told her that but looks like my Ah Mah is almost right! Don't play play with the banci people. Your response is required by law! (Translation : banci = census, cheng hoo = government, lockup = jail/prison, ah mah = grandma)

Alritey, this is what you can find inside the giant envelope. Another letter from the Director of the US Census Bureau, some FAQ pamphlet about the survey AND a guide to the survey. Isn't the FAQ pamphlet and guide to the survey almost the same thing? You would think that they would just combine it into one single pamphlet to save paper and printing cost.

Of course this is the main attraction. A 28 page survey booklet and a return envelope. There are questions regarding the age, race, income, employment, veteran status of each resident of the household as well as other data like commute time to work, home value and others. We took a quick glance through the booklet and said we will get around to answering it later. 28 pages...it's not some quick 5 minute survey :P

Two days later, we received this postcard in the mail. Guess who it's from? Yup, from the Director of the US Census Bureau again! Wow, we sure have friends in high places. Three letters from the Director of the US Census Bureau in a space of one and a half weeks! ;P It's just a short note to remind us to complete the survey and mail it back to them.

Okay la Steve (yeah, I figured we are on a first name basis now after all these letters), you win! We will work on completing that survey NOW.

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