The snow started falling around 9pm last night and it continued until late afternoon today. I went out for a short walk early this morning around 6:30am and this is what greeted me at the door. I stepped into at least 6 to 8 inches of snow. There was just thick powdery snow everywhere!

All of the schools in the area had the day off because of the snow storm so there were not many people walking around at this hour. This is at the little garden near the car park of our apartment building.

I walked over to the front of the apartment building to check out the scene :P Thick white snow everywhere.

Thank God the roads were all cleared though. I could hear salt trucks and snow plows working overtime through the night.

The lone car in the middle of the road is Kevin heading to work. Look at the amount of snow on top of the trash bags, I would hate to be the trash removal guys, it will be a pain to load all the trash that is covered with thick snow into the truck.

I would also hate to be the owner of this car. I bet he spent quite a while scrapping off the ice and snow from his car!

Alritey, it's getting a little bit too cold for me. My jeans were soaked with snow and my toes were semi frozen from walking around in the cold cold snow (I made the mistake of wearing sneakers instead of boots). The wind was so strong last night that it even managed to blow all the snow under the awning at the entrance of our apartment.

The snow and wind has died down but it's still frigid cold. Even as I am typing this, I'm glad to be indoors, feeling all toasty and warm. Three more weeks to Spring, let's hope March goes out like a Lamb. I'm more than ready for winter to be over! :D
Oh powdery snow! How nice! I used to pray hard in front of the TV every time it snowed and God always gave me a holiday the next morning.
Hahahaha that's funny!
wahhh... nice to have snow around ehhhh, hehe i never encounter snow yet, not sure will have the chance to touch it! hahahaha
Hahaha, it's nice initially la but after a while, it becomes such a pain :P I'm sure you will have the opportunity to touch snow one day. Just ask your Darling to buy you tickets to visit us here la!! :D
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